My role at Experian was UX Lead for their consumer facing Identity product.

Experian have been selected by the UK Government Digital Service (GDS) as one of a select group of trusted Identity Partners to verify members of the public’s identity for access to government services. Identity partners use the data they have to verify a user’s identity using methods such as checking official documents and financial records.

The role involved working closely with GDS, signing up to the GDS Digital Service Standard and working closely to the remit of the GDS Service Manual.

Put simply, this meant writing code and producing UX to the highest standards of legibility, accessibility and usability and testing that code regularly to ensure it continuously delivers the highest quality experience possible – to match that of the award winning GOV.UK website itself. The application is continuously measured to ensure high conversions and performance.

My first priority was to implement best-in-class analytics and measuring tools to ensure we could capture every aspect of a user’s visit to what is a complicated application with many possible journeys dependent upon the user’s individual circumstances.

Next step was to map all possible journeys through the application to get a baseline to measure conversions against. Journey types were mapped against personae to allow for ready identification of particular user demographics. A comprehensive UX audit performed with the help of usability testing partners led to the production of a full revised UX Mockup of the application for in-house testing purposes.

In February 2017 GDS announced that they were going to grow the platform to include services that require less proof of identity, vastly increasing the user base of the application. I produced full mockups of a revised application in Sketch to test the various user-journeys and flows, these mockups were sanity-tested with usability partners and GDS prior to building a fully functional HTML/CSS/JS prototype.

GDS’ acceptance into service requires a complex and rigorous “Gating” process whereby all aspects of the application are ruthlessly tested to ensure compliance with the application Operations Manual. Their feedback from my submission was that is was “the best we’ve ever seen”.

Please note, an NDA precludes my publishing any Experian or partner IP so no images of this work can be shown